How to Make Money by Blogging on WordPress ($500/month)

About 40% of websites and blogs worldwide are built in WordPress. Almost all are making money which actually started on that purpose. Here you will know how to make money by blogging on WordPress.


First things first, how to start a blog?

– It is really simple to create a blog with the help of WordPress, Wix, Weebly, Webflow or Google Blogger. These all are Content Management System (CMS).

Making a handsome salary from blogging is not so easy! It needs keywords and articles which are chosen after a lot of careful researching. In other word, intense brainstorming is needed for writing contents.

If a blogger can make audience within short time, it is expected that the blogger has chosen a topic for blogging which is not widely used by other bloggers. That means, the idea is unique and new to the visitors.

How to Make Money by Blogging on WordPress?

– Starting a new blog is quite easy with WordPress and if you can gain traffic using any of the way like SEO or SEM, you will be at the point of money making.

(I) Hunting down the motivation

1. Write down every known topic which you know very well

a. It will be very easy to make money with a blog which drives high amount of traffic. So it is suggested to go for those topics which you may feel will help you or others further when blogging. You can choose your niche in which you are interested.

b. Successful blogs provide latest happenings around, or some information to its readers. One of the popular blog Mashable which shares latest information about social media happenings to the readers. It was launched by some small town teenager in the year 2005. Now it is turned into a successful blog which makes millions of dollars.

c. While on the other hand some blogs feature some of the most epic and funny videos and media files.

d. Also, some of the blogs are focused on acting as a bridging link between their blogs and product pages with respect to third party sites. One of the most financially forceful blogs such as Drudge, is a blog which is only comprised of unique learning links which helps the software developers learn and come across new things.

2. Curb down the subjects by reversing on other goals and profitability

For understanding the concept on how to make money by blogging on WordPress, a blogger needs to look for a subject which people have not come across yet. However, it should be popular enough with the audience to pull a decent traffic. There is also a need for paying attention to some factors which may need of investing at some places for better audience coverage.

3. Picking a clear cut slot and not some confusing topic

It is recommended to start writing about some engaging topics like marathons rather than just health and fitness, creating glass jewelry not some arts and crafts. So if you wish to become a famed blogger or reach a wider audience, it is suggested to do a clever picking on the subject which is much broader and some rigorous endeavors needs to be taken in order to generate the best written material for the topic. However, a subtopic which is relevant to finance, fitness, advice for people in relationship advices can be included.

4. Look for blog topics which have topics which are more relevant

a. Prefer sticking to a search bar and search engine on blog hosting sites that covers the subject and subject title of your blog in an unparalleled manner. Go through a few blogs from other sites which had usually a high potential of greater ranking, shares, comments or even show a visitor readership of more than a 7 digits number.

b. So if you have a hard time looking for such blogs or topics, then it is possible that you went too up close. The masses who are interested in a specific topic will more often be driven crazy by a topic will visit some relevant blogs and more possibly a blogger can link up every particular links and webpages which may be able to get him more and more traffic.

c. If you come across a famed blog that matches the blog topic exceptionally well, so make your best efforts to fine tune your blogs and written material with it. Hence complimenting the blogging giants instead if competing with them which will eventually help a blogger to answer the question that always strikes his mind how to make money online.

5. Examine how well you are versed with the topic

Create a blog only and only if you know you will do well in terms of being well informed or being knowledgeable with respect to the blog subject. If still you doubt that you have insufficient knowledge to write about something, make an attempt to come up with a title and subtitle so attractive and appealing right before a content is created. It is recommended that you come up with a good title and at least 30 or more subtitles for the topic.

(II) Determining a blogging platform

1. Prefer using a liberate blogging platform

Most people go for a free blogging platform such as WordPress or even Google blogger. It is however a remarkable option

  1. For the people who are not well aware of the concept of web design
  2. The ones who refuse to pay for any hosting platforms.
  3. The ones who’d like to do everything on their own.

No matter how perfect these web blogging platforms are, they do come with a set of limitations. So it is recommended that the blog should not bypass the terms of services. WordPress is a platform which extends less support to some advertisements, limited affiliate links and a few PayPal links.

2. Prefer hosting your own blog.

1. If it so happens that you end up buying own domain name, you will have to pay a hosting service annually or monthly to let your website be more visible

2. The only benefits of getting that done is getting a better personalization, better control over how to get it monetized and as a result of getting a direct access to valuable info for analysis on blog traffic.

3. Always go for easy to recall domain name and make use of you name for instance ( whenever there is a good chance especially when you are a public figure or an author.

Also Read: 11+ Best Free Blogging Platforms in 2023

(III) Try your best to create irresistible content.

1. Generate and personalize the blog

If it so happens that you are using a liberate service there is surely to get a how to video tutorial to help you on how to get over with the setting up of your blog, as well as a place for people to come up with questions.

Most of such blogging services of hosting which are premium have a lot more to as compared to using the free services. Prefer going with the free version of anything until and unless the blog becomes a popular one.

2. Try to generate authentic content.

It is highly recommended by the bloggers that they come up with the topics of their own for each and every blog they are going to write about. Therefore being the one to think about it first and writ8ing about it first in order to get the most fresh ideas and concepts that no one ever paid attention to. This graduates the blog content to a whole different level.

A huge number of readers can be attracted by coming up a blog content that never existed before on the internet such as

1. Pre-20th Century books

2. Scans of Obscure

3. Famous non-technical inventions of the 18th century etc.

3. Overhaul more frequently.

No matter how hard you try to earn from blogging if you forget or miss on updating the content on a regular basis. It is recommended by the most accomplished bloggers of all time that the content should be updated in a week’s time, coming up with something new on the previous topics which was missed in earlier versions of the content.

4. Promoting the blog

1. Run your brains fast enough for each and every blog post. Keywords is something that plays a great role with respect to the relevancy of the blog and especially applies to the fresh topics and subtopics that gets covered each and every time you come back with some valuable content.

2. Make sure you come with some of the most relevant keywords.

3. This will results in greater visibility of the content and pull more readers and show the promotions which may be of their interest.

4. The incredible Google keywords research tool to get an estimate on what Google is getting paid by advertisers for keywords.

(IV) Incorporate Keywords in significant Places.

1. Incorporate such keywords at important places in order to get visible at the Google search made by any person at a given point of time. Tweak your configurations in such a manner that it includes the main subject title sufficient times but not so many times that the search engine may capture it as spamming activity.

2. Another thing to mark is the text in the images does not count as keywords. Any blog software comes packed with a tagging feature in order to include keywords to each and every post. It is suggested to use this more frequently for better results.

3. Publish the articles or blog posts with the help of social media platforms. Get a higher audience raging on to your blog post with the help of social media giants like Twitter, Instagram, and Facebooketc.

4. Pursue other blogs and well known bloggers and ask them for cross-linking or back links. Get in touch with other bloggers and help each other for promotions. Even the most successful blogs had asked for cross-linking before they were popular.

5. And just in case there is a need of premium measures to be taken, make sure you take them as it is always worth it. It is always a profitable decision when it comes to funding wherein time and efforts both are invested.

6. Make your best effort to go viral (trending) at least once. This is neither easy nor it is an assured thing. If somehow you get a clip or an image which is an epic one which can be circulated through any mediums on websites, it can bring a whole lot of audience.

(V) Monetizing the blog

1. Promoting the blog should be first priority.

The methods used for blogging with a purpose for making money. But it is not possible until and unless the blog is having a fair audience. Implement the idea of how promoting and advertising works on social media platforms. Follow as many methods as you can of increasing traffic.

2. Prefer using a more relevant ad service.

Eventually, when a blog is have a decent traffic, it is time to start making money using Ad Networks. It automatically creates ads in the desired amount, size, and places and when these ads are clicked by the visitors they get finally paid by the advertisers.

Top 5 ad networks to monetize a blog:

  1. Google AdSense
  3. Ezoic
  4. Mediavine
  5. PropellerAds

3. Try creating an online store if you have something to sell

If it so happens that arts and crafts drives you crazy then intricate an online store with a famous service like etsy for selling the artwork. It is very suitable for a blog writer or an illustrator look for a site that is ready to sell slogan T-shirts or even drawings on it. Most blog titles are not even relevant to the products and services provided.

4. Prefer Affiliate programs

It is very important to hunt down an affiliate program which is compatible with your blog. A blogger authorizes to furnish the links to the company products and in turn gets rewarded for the same who ends up purchasing by clicking on the link. There are some organizations which could be looked up in the directory such as Click Bank.

how to make money by blogging on wordpress

5. Go for the most preferred affiliate products

That goes without saying that for the ones who want to monetize from blog that the product chosen should be a trending one. The amount earned from the affiliate program entirely depends upon 2 things. First, being how good the product is, second how famous the blogger is among the audience. This is relevant on how honest he is with respect to the products that is being featured on his blog.

Join these affiliate programs and start making money by blogging on WordPress.

Affiliate Program




Join Link

$85 Commission


90 Days

Give $25 - Get $25

Cloud Hosting

90 Days

$100 or 33% Recurring

Email Marketing

120 Days

$200 for Every Subscription & $10 for Every Trial Activation

Keyword Research Tool

120 Days

30% Recurring

Email Marketing

365 Days

Up to $100 


30 Days

30% Commission



30% on First Purchase


6 Months

40% Recurring



30% Recurring

Email Marketing

90 Days


Making money from blogging may sound very fun and tempting as anyone would just get a sense of getting that done easily. But the mind twisting fact is it is neither too easy nor some rocket science making money from blogging. It requires some real insights and some in-depth knowledge of making your blog earn for you.

Therefore create a blog which you know you will be able to continue working on even though there is a little audience. As you know it takes time to build something successful. And when it comes to blogs people always lose hope when there is little or no audience. So continue only if you love doing it.

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