How to Remove “Powered by GeneratePress” in Free Version Theme

Don’t have you enough money to buy GeneratePress premium version? Yet you want to know the technique “how to remove powered by GeneratePress in free version”.

Don’t worry, it’s very simple to do. You just need some lines of code. You will able to change the footer credit of GeneratePress theme although you are using the free version.

See why should you use GeneratePress theme for your site?

Any hosting provider recommend this theme for your website?

Yes. This GeneratePress theme is listed in the 11 Fastest WordPress Themes List by the popular managed WordPress hosting provider Kinsta. This detailed article including speed test results is published on Kinsta blog.


How to Remove Powered by GeneratePress in Free Version

Here I will drive you the whole path to do this. Just keep yourself with me.

Step – 1: Login to your WordPress dashboard.

Step – 2: Navigate Appearance >> Theme Editor.

Step – 3: Go to Theme Functions by clicking functions.php.

Step – 4: Go to the last line (104).

Step – 5: Paste this code. Here mind it, replace the line “YOUR TEXT HERE” according to your website name. Then save it. Visit your site and refresh again the page.

add_filter( 'generate_copyright','tu_custom_copyright' );
function tu_custom_copyright() {

All the work is done! Now you should see the change of your copyright area according to your text. These are the simple steps to customize the footer area of GereratePress.

How to Change Footer Credit of GeneratePress Theme (Video):

Recommendation: If you can afford the premium version of GeneratePress Theme, you should use it instead of using free theme to customize all the criteria of the theme. Of course, you can spend some money for the best fastest and lightweight WordPress theme for your professional site.

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