(Must Follow) Tips For Advertising On YouTube Ads in 2024

Youtube is one of the most popular and used search engine on the Internet, along with Google.The number of active users is very very high. More than 2 billion people use YouTube every month! Advertising on YouTube can boost your business at a high speed. Here must check all the tips for advertising on youtube ads in 2024.

It is the platform for creating educational content par excellence, and brands are taking advantage of this advantage to educate their target audience and convert them into customers.

And in this post, I am going to talk to you about  advertising on YouTube Ads.

I will tell you what the ad formats available on the platform are, what advantages they have, etc. And I will give you some tips so that you know how effective advertising on YouTube Ads is.

What is Advertising on Youtube Ads?

Youtube Ads is the YouTube advertising platform where you can advertise from any device and video format.

You can appear on the official website or the app, in addition to the Google display network (paid advertising on search engine pages).

Google bought YouTube in 2016, so the campaigns are created and managed from Google Adwords.

And what does it consist of?

Well, they are video ads that can appear before, during, and after any video posted on YouTube, in addition to different sections of the web.

Youtube Ads, like other advertising platforms, allows you to create your campaigns by defining specific objectives, the audience you want to show your ads to and the budget you are willing to invest.

You’ll pay based on views or interactions, and you can pause or stop campaigns at any time.

To advertise on Youtube Ads, you only need three things :

  • A Gmail account
  • A Youtube channel
  • Sign up for Google Adwords

Ad Formats When Advertising on Youtube Ads

We are going to see the types of ads that you can use in your YouTube campaigns:

Non-skippable in-stream ads

This type of ad is a short video (about 15 seconds or less) that users cannot skip.It is often used when the objective of the brand is to gain visibility or reach.

Users have to see it in full before, during, or after the video they were watching on the platform.And YouTube will charge you based on the impressions the video has (CPM).

 In-stream skippable ads

A format similar to the previous one, only this one can be skipped by users.Specifically, once played 5 seconds.That is why the duration does not have to be so short, and you can work with ads of longer duration.

“Youtube will charge you when the user has seen 30 seconds of the video or the entire video (if it lasts less than 30s). Or if the user clicks the button or CTA and interacts with the video.”

And you can use them whether your goal is brand recognition and reach (here, you will be charged by target CPM), or if you are looking for traffic or conversions.

TrueView Video discovery

This type of ad appears according to the searches carried out by the user.

Something similar to Google Ads since it activates and displays ads based on keywords, and they appear in the first positions of YouTube results before organic content.

They can also appear on the home page and on the display network.

The ad consists of a thumbnail image and a description of up to 3 lines of text, along with the CTA or call-to-action button.You can customize the thumbnail, or four options will be created from the video automatically.

And YouTube will charge you based on the clicks to view it.

Out-stream ads

They are mobile-only ads and are only seen on Google partner or partner websites, so they do not appear on YouTube.

The format can be from banners, in-feed ads, full screen.

And they play automatically with the sound turned off.

Their main objective is to reach a greater number of people and increase the reach of the brand.

YouTube charges this ad format based on impressions (CPM), so you will pay for every thousand users who watch the video for 2 seconds or more.

Advertising Bumpers

The bumpers are very short videos that cannot be skipped and have a maximum duration of 6 seconds.

They are always played before watching a video on YouTube and are sometimes combined with the skippable ads in a single video.

They can be viewed on all types of devices, and the platform also charges based on impressions or views (CPM).

YouTube Masthead Ads

Masthead ads are banners that appear as a cover at the top of the page on YouTube from any device.

They can be static (image), which is only available for computers, or dynamic (video).

The latter is played when accessing the platform.

The objective of this ad is usually greater visibility and brand recognition to always be in the minds of potential customers and thus increase sales volume.

It is ideal for brands whose target audience is prone to impulse buying from mobile.Of course, the bad thing is the price.

It is the most expensive format and is often used by big brands.

By occupying the entire cover of the beginning on Youtube, we are talking about a privileged position, and impressions are changed every 24 hours.

Keys to Advertise on YouTube Effectively

Finally, I am going to tell you some important keys and tips so that you know how to make ads on YouTube Ads successfully.

Define the objectives of your campaigns very well

The first thing is to be clear about the objective of your advertising campaign.

If you do not define it in detail, the invested budget will be wasted in showing your ads to people who do not really interest you because they will not perform the actions you want.

Fine-tune audience segmentation very well

After defining the objective, you must be clear about the target audience you are targeting for your ads.

In addition to being clear about who your ideal client is, you must work this part very well.

Take advantage of the segmentation opportunities that YouTube offers you, and test the audiences that work best for you.

You can detail your audience by interests and even the YouTube channels in which you would be interested in appearing.

Test different ad formats

Depending on the objectives, you can use some types of ads or others.

I advise you to try several until you see which ones work best for you and not to advertise with just one ad format.

Preference in short videos

It is true that long videos help you know when potential customers are more qualified since if they watch most of the video or the entire video, it means that they are very interested.

However, short videos work much better, as people are getting used to immediacy and we get tired easily. So try to create short videos to keep your ads straight to the point.

A well-worked script

Write a script for your ad. You must know what exactly to say in your ad so as not to miss anything and be as persuasive as possible.This is a function that copywriters perform that can determine that the ad is a success.

Use keywords

The good thing about YouTube is that you can put the keywords that you want to activate your ads.

Thus, you can use words of your brand related to your products or services or informative searches that interest you to sell them a solution.

Use subtitles

Do not forget to put subtitles to the videos of your ads, since more and more videos are seen without sound because we are on the street, in a waiting room, or doing anything that prevents us from seeing the video with the sound activated.

If you don’t put subtitles, you are losing a very high percentage of your audience.

Add link CTAs

Add clear and direct CTAs.The truth is that YouTube does not allow you to write long or elaborate calls to action, so keep it simple.

An action verb like see more, more information, subscribe.And do not forget to link to your website or app to perform the action that interests you.

Take care of the thumbnail and final image

The thumbnail will draw people’s attention to click on your ad when it appears in searches or home (discovery TrueVideo), and the final image will be the one that stays after the ad ends.

I advise you to add keywords and calls to action in the images that reinforce the message of the ad.

Good lighting and video quality

Nobody stops to see a video of poor quality, pixelated, or that does not look good, so you must work this part very well and use videos made by a professional.

Remarketing works

I already mentioned it to you before: YouTube is very powerful when it comes to keeping you in the mind of your potential client and remarketing a purchase that was left halfway.

Here is an example that appeared to me in my own YouTube feed after having been watching sports shoes of this brand.

Set a frequency limit

Don’t forget to limit the times your ads are shown to your audience, as it can be tiresome to always see the same ad.

If they have seen the ad ten times and have not bought it, it is because they will never do it, and you will cause rejection of your brand.

Try to be creative

The key is that your ad doesn’t look like an ad.

Make it entertaining and tell a story or arouse curiosity to stay to see it until the end.

Arousing emotions in people is what works best since they will feel identified, they will empathize with the ad, and you will create a connection with your brand.

Are You Ready to advertise on Youtube Ads?

I hope I have helped you with the post. Now that you know how it works and why it is advantageous to advertise on YouTube ads.

Isn’t it a smartest idea to include it in your online sales strategy?

Tell me in the comments what you think about advertising on YouTube and what are ads you like the most! Thank you so much.


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