Blogging is a business that makes real money. To do this, you must have a blog. So, here all the steps on how to start a money making blog in 2024. If you own a good quality of blog, you can make $500+ per month easily.
Let’s first learn something about a blog and how to start it step by step.
- Introduction
- 1. Discover an ideal name and domain name according to your niche.
- 2. Obtain or Acquire web hosting
- 3. Try to get an appealing and attractive appearance for the site
- 4. Begin with generating the content that moves you and shares the same with the world.
- 5. Discover evergreen topics to write about
- 6. See the extra efforts as a golden opportunity, not to be missed
- 7. Try to make the best possible efforts to spread a word about the blog/website
- 8. Opt for a newsletter, as it provides a firm stand-off
- 9. Make it a habit to keep updating the popular posts with some latest additions.
- 10. Try to something new with the newsletter sign up forms
- 11. Win and capture with the help of social media
- 12. Try to configure a “Start Here” Page
- 13. Include a potential handout for those who sign up the email newsletters (email list)
- 14. Append the most ideal and reliable plugins to generate a superior website
- 15. Creating a backup should be a regular exercise
- 16. Concentrate on Smartphones more
- 17. Do something about the security parameters before it is chopped
- 18. Speed is something which is utmost required and the most significant component
- 19. Learn to know about things to write in order to never run out of ideas
- 20. There is no need of publishing a new blog post every week
- 21. Pick on headlines that successfully grabs the attention of the reader at first hand.
- 22. Use of images is highly recommended in order to generate posts that may steal the show.
- 23. Prefer a format that is easy to read as well as convenient to understand.
- 24. Try to understand the readers as much as possible.
- 25. Don’t forget to include a FAQ (Frequently Asked Question) section in the contact page.
- 26. It is nothing wrong to spend something to learn (what most bloggers don’t).
- 27. It is a smart move to plan further to stay ahead in the game.
- 28. Stay cool and look for a more practical roadmap.
- 29. Try to set a much objective ambition and quantitative target.
- 30. Take a motivational refreshed every week without fail.
- 31. In blogging people you come across tend to be humble so don’t let the criticism hold you back.
- 32. Try writing in a very casual way.
- 33. The blog post for proofreading should be read out loud.
- 34. Cross verify with yourself on everything which according to you is important.
- 35. Try developing or enhancing something which is old, which you feel will work, but it somehow failed in the beginning.
- 36. Don’t stop overhauling the best content.
- 37. Run a check on the social media inboxes and stats whenever possible.
- 38. Avoid messing up the site while putting in elements that make a blog more confusing.
- 39. Take a close look at what is happening in and around the most popular websites.
- 40. Make continuous endeavors to keep the audience grow and reader base strong.
- Conclusion
A blogger when starts a blog, always worried about how to start a successful blog. Which blog I am going to start today, will it be successful of not!
This is good question but you don’t need to worry about it. Just drive yourself with this article. This is a informative article on how to start a successful blog. First you read it and then follow step by step process of making $500 per month through blogging.
Success in blogging is a continuous process which comes day by day through learning and practicing. In below I have mentioned some effective tips on how to start a free blog.
1. Discover an ideal name and domain name according to your niche.
First research for sometime and think about your criteria on what, your want to create your new blog. And that’s criteria is your niche.
Suppose, You want to work on blogging. So, that’s your niche. Here remind, your niche can on whatever like technology, health, fitness, blogging, insurance etc. Niche is two kinds.
- Niche (Broader concept)
- Micro Niche (Smaller concept)
So, first determined yourself about your niche. Do you want to work on a broader niche like Blogging, Health, Fitness, Insurance, Technology etc.?
Or, are you thinking to work on a small criteria which is call micro niche like earphones (Technology), Face care (Health), Themes (Blogging) etc.?
Have you selected your niche or micro niche? Now, you can go ahead to research keywords and purchase a domain. Something more about domain here in below.
Most people are confused these days when it comes down them encountering the common question how to start a free blog. The term domain name is what individual types in the address bar to get directed to a website. For example But how to come to a conclusion when deciding a decent name for the website and a good enough ideal name?
Confused on how to start a money making blog in 2024?
Don’t worry. we will guide you with the most easiest methods that furnish the most desired results.
This is how it can be done
- Deciding a title or subject for your blog. Let’s assume it is about digital development.
- Think and think hard on what names is the most suitable ones. After discovering the topic takes about nearly half an hour with a pen and paper to write down the best and ideal names.
- Make sure the name of the blog should not be boring neither the blog domain should be too generic as it is difficult to entail the details completely.
- Eventually, the choice of both name and domain name should be ones that capture the attention of the site or blog visitor.
- It is one of the most important thing to be done to make an ordinary blog into a successful one.
Now, you are able to find and buy your domain name according to your niche. There are lot of companies that provide domain names. Among them Namecheap is one of the best domain provider company which provides domain names at a lowest rate.
Purchase your domain at the most cheap rate from Namecheap.
N.B: First check the 2nd step before buying a domain name because, most of the time you will get a free domain with hosting pack. If the hosting provide you a free (.com) domain, skip the 1st step and move to the 2nd step. But in case, if the hosting company does not provide a free (.com) domain, perform the 1st step to purchase domain and then move to 2nd to buy hosting.
Specifically, if you buy hosting from A2 Hosting (Fastest hosting ever), buy a domain name in Namecheap following in the step 1.
2. Obtain or Acquire web hosting
Once the most suitable name and the domain name of the blog has been chosen it is time for going online and make it indexed in the register which will help you to know how to start a money making blog in 2024. It can be done on a web hosting site where the hosting space is available wherein.
- files
- images
- videos
- blog posts
- other content
The above properties could be stored, and that all together is a website.
Is not that wonderful?
These two companies are the best hosting companies across the world. These most renowned web hosts and most extensively used everywhere around. The user base is according to the stats millions of site. Choose one from below according to your budget.
- A2 Hosting (66% Off)
Hostinger specifically offers 90% discount for it’s web hosting packages with a free domain. So, you just have to buy a hosting pack from Hostinger and you will get a free (.com) domain.
A2Hosting is the fastest hosting service ever. It’s one of the best hosting at this time. Millions of users are using it. Websites hosted on this hosting, are super fast. As it is multi-purpose hosting, any business small or large easily can be handled by this hosting.

- Fastest Hosting Ever
- Free Email
- Free SSL
- SSD Storage
- Unlimited Bandwidth
- Money Back Guarantee
3. Try to get an appealing and attractive appearance for the site
Once the domain name, blog page name has been indexed, configuring the host account is done and after generating the site by sticking to the one-click WordPress install it is about time to get the site revamped from header to footer.
The easiest way of getting this done by selecting a theme. There are 29+ best free wordpress themes in a list with all details. Choose one and install in WordPress theme panel. This will help in creating a free blog.
It allows the user to hover through a wide range of most perfect or can say ideally appearing them which grabs the visitor attention at first look. This is the basic motive of any theme applied to grab the attention of the site visitors.
As more appealing the appearance of the site will be the higher chances of the visitor taking a halt on the sites are.
There are some paid themes available too which look more executive and has a whole lot of functions. Hence you will come to know how to start a free blog with the help of the above-acknowledged methods.
There is a theme known as the GeneratePress is a very popular as it an incredible one which appears very tidy and instant loading appearance of the site. It, however, makes the user publish the articles with ease. Ideal typography is another added advantage a user may get. The most renowned blogs use this theme as their theme and the audience has liked it extensively.
4. Begin with generating the content that moves you and shares the same with the world.
Once all the technical part is set and done it is time to ask oneself what brings the audience to the site?
The answer is simple, people always look for valuable content, content that is rich in quality.
So, a blog or website which is based on web and web development needs the most preferred and quality rich content which may help to get them to get relevant information what they are looking for.
If a website features an entertaining content or humour based content it should have the most entertaining video, images or in short funny media files.
Files that have the potential to make the audience or the visitor if not laugh but smile at last. Funniest videos and comic strips are what the blog should all be about, it should feature or focus on comical content.
So the blog should have a history that engrossed it in an entertaining manner.
The secret to generating tons of value content irrespective of what the blog is about whether write, recorded videos, podcasts should be the primary field of interest in life.
In this way, a blogger can mechanically do a great job and will help in generating not only the better but simply the best content with every passing second with respect to the question how to start a successful blog. This will ensure that a blogger does not get bored and tired of what he’s doing.
5. Discover evergreen topics to write about
It does not matter even in the slightest if a blogger scribbles, videos and podcast videos it should be around the subject which are significant not only to the blogger but to the targeted audience as well.
But a question that keeps troubling the blogger is how is it possible to create content which is more helpful to the people and will it be beneficial if it is promoted on social media platform as a free blog platform.
Two factors to be seen closely
- The prospect readers that come across the blog and the people whom a blogger when starting a successful blog gets in touch within day to day life have some questions in their mind. A handful may ask the frequent questions about a common thing. Then there is a high probability that the readers who ask those questions and get the most accurate reverts on it are going to visit more frequently. Making endeavors to get the most accurate answers to the most magnificent problems people go through and come across in day to day life along the problems a blogger has encountered so far.
- The target audience is quite similar. Hence sharing the experience of coming across a particular issue and how to get around it is what people are looking for. The most accurate answers will directly have a positive impact on the readers who will make a habit of bouncing back to the blog more often with respect on how to start a blog.
6. See the extra efforts as a golden opportunity, not to be missed
how to start a money making blog in 2024
Ensure that the written blog post should be lengthy, not all the time but in some cases yes longer posts are something which the audience constantly keep looking for.
Make sure you go an extra mile while researching on a particular subject or even an in-depth analysis.
What it requires to get on that corner is a lot of time and more than that honest endeavors. Such articles and blog posts are the ones that Google favors first and is simply one of the best and detailed sources on the subject an individual is searching online.
how to start a free blog
So the most recommended action needed here is doing what other people skip to do and miss out as an important thing to do.
Content is King
For instance, a person is looking for quick tips on creating a webpage, then the blog should entail the precise information on creating content that delivers the visitor with accurate results. Giving the best and taking some extra efforts which most people miss to do not all the time but making it a habit, it will bring in more and more readers over a specific period of time.
7. Try to make the best possible efforts to spread a word about the blog/website
Once the website is all set and done it is time to lay hands on some content that is rich in quality. This is what most readers may love to read.
But how to spread a word for the blog post and website to build a strong audience base?
Social media mentions can help a lot as it simply has the greatest potential. With a single simple click, the word can be spread to the maximum audience.
This is because more than two third of the world population is on social media. All of them are on at least one social media platform. It can help to go an extra mile on spreading the word. In addition to that, it is will be a free blog platform delivering the most desired outcome.
Social media is the easiest way to marketing your initial contents.
The best effective way of how to start a successful blog is guest posting. The best method to get the most readers which will enjoy the content and stick along for a longer period time is to post blogs on guest post around every now and then.
To do this, create some contact. Do a little search on Google and contact people relevant to your subject which states that they are on a search for guest posts. Make sure to write something that matches the wishes of the website owner. This might be the most probable alternative for pulling the maximum audience.
Try to make convenient the information search for an individual as easy as possible just in case of guest posting. Editing and proofreading should be a constant habit as this ensures the content to be rich in quality and error-free.
The easier it will be for the audience to understand the better it will be in spreading the word for the blog promotion. Publishing the blog link on guest post. Taking the extra efforts is what is most required here too to start a blog.
Guest posting is the best promotion method
Beginning with a free blog – Writing an in-depth and lengthy content as minimum amount or work and work quality compromised is not what audience will not appreciate at all.
The visitors should be happy to visit the blog page while the blogger should be even happier while posting on such content. Hence, on the contrary, it will get the best possible Search Engine Result Pages (SERPs), Google and obtain a greater number of social media mentions.
Easy to understand and go through, readable content will tempt more readers to turn from some time visitors to most frequent visitors. Opting for an email newsletter is the best possible to catch your visitor as permanent and gets the best result.
Now, let’s talk about that…
8. Opt for a newsletter, as it provides a firm stand-off
Most of the people are not aware that the newsletter plays a great role in starting a successful blog. The masses make a note of it when it is too late as email newsletter are something with great potential.
As the email list is capable of doing a whole lot of what could be imagined. According to the recent stats from 2005 to 2010 the blog sites were used for businesses only. But later when mobile and internet took the market with a storm it was then acknowledged by the people that it could possibly deliver a whole lot of what one could even think of it could deliver. This is the true power of having an email list.
It is something which cannot be bought, a blogger needs to develop it over time and yes to be truthful about it, it takes time to build an email list. This plays a great role to come to know how to start a successful blog. To which using the newsletter to see an incredible rise in reader and visitor count has been proved that it will help in getting what is asked for.
Using an email list will help you with the below-mentioned benefits
- Customer engagement rises:-
With an effective email list reader engagement hikes to an incredible level. A blogger may potentially get more and more comments. Comments basically mean that a reader going across the article and providing their valuable feedback, or if seen otherwise it is something more they are asking for.
The readers may comment with some really interesting questions, hit back with some inspiring answers. This will help to pull up on creating some valuable content.
- The readers and blog shares will experience an incredible rise:-
This is a really simple tool but has provided the best possible outcomes. As when the newsletter readers receive a newsletter from a blogger they can add a 2 line short message stating there is something new that
“I have recently posted, you can come and check it out. If you find it a good post please help by sharing or can simply post your suggestions in the comment box.”
- Sales will experience a magical elevation:-
Whenever a blogger sends out a mail with respect to new products and services launched or fresh articles posted people come rushing to check what is it that is new this time.
It is even more impacting when the newsletter carries a message of some heavy discounts. People no matter where they are from they always like, actually love discounts.
It is a basic human nature when people hear about discount they often come running to the spot to see how much the discount is and what more could be grabbed. Some recent stats showed that some very successful bloggers are able to get a sales of 70% from email newsletter itself.
- Least impacted by outside influencers:-
Having a higher search engine result pages (SERPs) rank is something that frequently moves up and down from time to time. The results or sales driven from social media can fluctuate to a great extent too.
But opting for an email newsletter provides a blogger for a competitive edge over tons of influencers present in the contemporary market. An email newsletter is something which can be explained as an exclusive blogger to his readers/customer communication.
Hence no matter what, it cannot impact the blogger in case anything goes wrong with page rankings or social media mentions.
- The email list is something which is yours, and no one else can take it away from you:-
As mentioned in the above header an email list is something which is a completely different realm where there is nothing that stands between blogger and his prospects. Hence it is something that helps in how to make money with blogging and much more to add accordingly.
So time for the next big question. How to get that done?
Still thinking how to start a successful blog? You are on the right way.
Building an email list can be done on own as well but that is going to take a lot of time. In addition to that, that’s a lengthy, tiring and sometimes boring process.
Doing that does not cost a single penny, but to be honest with you the time invested in doing so is no less than investing a lot of time.
But eventually, it pays off. Or a blogger for starting a successful blog can go either way.
As there are some firms that can help a blogger in building an email list. And doing all that with a dedicated and a group of individuals that have expertise in building an email list and similar activities.
Hence they deserve a shot as they are well versed with the ins and outs of the creation of an effective email list. They, however, don’t charge a very high amount. In Fact, the prices are very economical.
There are many email marketing tool are waiting to build your email list. But after researching, I have picked up the best email software for you which is low at price and high in performance.
- Aweber (15% Off)
Click this link and choose your plan. Finnish the all steps. Then start the set up process. Here how.

- Unlimited subscribers
- Unlimited email sends
- Email automation
- 100+ Email templates
- Dynamic content
- Sign up form
- WordPress plugin
Purchase the plan. Now setup can be done by installing a simple plugin known as email sign-up light box. The email light box is a lite application but does a whole lot more than what one could possibly think of. It accumulates the email address of those who enter their email ids as to start receiving newsletters.
9. Make it a habit to keep updating the popular posts with some latest additions.
A free blog platform, once the email list has been created, now what’s next?
A blogger will now be requiring tons and tons of readers along the prospect readers who will keep coming to his blog for reading his content.
And how to get that done to start a successful blog? It is really simple a blogger can do that with no extra effort just a handful of easy clicks and that is an easy fix.
You must have visited hundreds and hundreds of sites wherein you when the web page was accessed, there is a dialogue box which asks for email for newsletters.
This is going to be really beneficial to be on a top position on SERPs, Google as it favors only the content which has information updated most recently. These days Google does not recommend doing that much.
So what could be the possible alternative that could help in doing so? The simple question to the most difficult questions is very simple. It is through the medium of content updates which upgrades the content right from the head to toe.
A content upgrade is something which appears as a plus point. As information no matter how precise gets updated with time and just to jump off that hurdle the method of updating and upgrading content.
As it allows the content to appear the most precise one in comparison with the other blog content available.
Content upgradation is necessary
How to get that done? It is really simple and effective as well.
Step 1
Discover the most renowned and famous posts. Run a check on the Google Analytic tool to take a look on which were the blog posts that were successful in pulling the maximum traffic possible most recently. It might most probably be one or multiple blog posts.
Step 2
Reach out to the posts that have given you the maximum amount of visitor count. Open a Microsoft word document or something which is similar and copy-paste the entire content.
While trying to get a summary out of it. A clean checklist or cheat sheet is what will be the most beneficial thing out here. Try mixing it up with some vibrant colors and pictures and then have the content upgrade but that should be in PDF format.
Step 3
Configure email signup boxes in the post. This will allow the readers to sign up for the email and overhaul to the each and every content ever posted. Prefer sticking to Convert it to provide content a fresh upgrade along a new email newsletter subscriber.
The conversion rate from the email newsletters is somewhere around 1%-2%. Hence it comes down to the conclusion that the email newsletters with the help of upgraded content are 7-8 times better in comparison to other methods. The content upgrades are something that takes up to 10-25 minutes to get generated but it does its job perfectly.
10. Try to something new with the newsletter sign up forms
According to the experts trying something different or stepping out of the classical methods of sending a newsletter which not only should appear like something out of the box. What was not taken into consideration was to continue working with the forms.
Making a small alteration in colour in such forms or including-excluding some words that may have either a negative or a positive impact on the email list. And it could be a gigantic impact a figure between 2%-200%. Now that is a figure which cannot be neglected.
Therefore each week giving yourself a few minutes and trying something new on the sign-up form if not instantly but eventually turn up with good results. Make an attempt to make it good, better and perfect with every passing second. And meanwhile, a lot of subscribers can be obtained with the help of sending simple newsletters.
11. Win and capture with the help of social media
Configuring profiles for the blog sites on the most gigantic social media platforms which have the maximum potential of reaching to the audience.
Sharing the content or blog post on these social media giants and capturing the reader’s can channel a whole lot of fresh readers and new visitors to the blog page.
If it so happens that you don’t want to invest much time to avoid a weekly brainstorming for paying attention to a single social media platform to concentrate on.
There are high chances to get assured returns on doing that as in a continuous endeavor to cover up all the social media sites and getting tired and eventually bored by spending too much time, rather than spending the same amount of time in generating some fresh content.
10 Best Social Media in 2024 Where You Must Have Account
Make use of the buttons which are normally found on social media which we know better as social media share buttons. Hence making it more convenient for the target audience to share the content with followers and friends on their social media profiles and other virtual space.
12. Try to configure a “Start Here” Page
It so happens when the visitors come at the main blog page or a blog that they came across on Facebook or Google as they are redirected to that particular webpage. They may get unbalanced where they should head next.
Hence there should be continuous attempts from the blogger to come down setting up a Start Here Page.
This is a good alternative as compared to the About Page. As people no longer try to even bother what is there on the About Page. The “Start Here” page is something new a reader may come across and be more interested to look at what it is actually like. The most potential “Start Here” page has the following…
- An instant summary of what the webpage is all about.
- A quick summary which has some details about the blogger and his interest.
- An index of a handful of the most liked and shared blog articles.
- Something which tells more about the premium web development methods and techniques.
- A handful of sign up forms for some email newsletters which may be found in the entire blog.
10 Must Have Pages for Every Blog in 2024
13. Include a potential handout for those who sign up the email newsletters (email list)
It is observed on most successful blog websites that signing up on these sites will allow getting something more as a handout for email newsletters subscription. It usually takes slightly longer than what it is required.
But all of this when compiled together delivers a lot more than what someone can probably think of. Hence making a massive impact for the most contemporary mails for every new email subscriber a blogger getting every month. That is what the most distinguished bloggers have to say.
It is seen that according to the experts including a more typical addon as seen on some well known blog sites is that it will turn more and more significant to pull up more traffic. And having an impact on the visitor actions like joining a newsletter in an era where people are greatly influenced by such numerous mode of promotions and communications such as
- texts
- social media
- emails etc.
As the people, social media timelines, phone inbox and email are all flooded with tons and tons of newsletters.
14. Append the most ideal and reliable plugins to generate a superior website
It so happens when WordPress is used it allows the user to personalize the features and appearance of the blog page and even to make it more unique when it comes to the user experience for blogger and the audience as well.
This can be done by adjoining small programs which we better know as plugins to the website. Majority of these plugins are free which makes it even sweet to use.
Below mentioned are some of the most helpful plugins which have been used by the majority bloggers in order to start a successful blog to make money from blogging
1. Fast Secure Contact Form
This is used on the contact page so that the visitors are not bombarded with the spam emails they received every now and then. to be precise at least 20-30 emails are what the number of spam emails received on a single day. It may sound crazy but that is what the truth is.
2. Akismet
The more familiar a website gets with time the higher amount of spam comments are likely to be dropped for the blog content. These plugins help in avoiding such spam comments. It is automatically skipped off.
3. Easy social share buttons
It is one of the most remarkable social media plugins one can come across. A blogger can take this plugin into consideration for getting the maximum shares. As it is very simple to use the plugin.
Whenever a reader or going through some or the other content on the blog there are buttons which can be clicked to share the blog across various social media platforms with a simple, single click.
4. W3 Total Cache
Utterly Crucial. This plugin will help to make the blog site load up more quickly and reduce the load on the host account. However, It is very important to avert the site from crashing too often.
This is when some of the articles and content becomes more popular and turns viral on social media platforms is acknowledged on famous sites and tons of visitors may be channeled on the blog instantly.
10 Must Plugins for Every WordPress Blog in 2024
Just in case a website is too slow or less likely to respond to Google will not like it. And on top of that, the new readers will not take a second to think when he hits the back button on the webpage
15. Creating a backup should be a regular exercise
It hardly takes any time and just incases when something goes down like
- computer dies
- web pages crash
- trojans
- malware
It creates a gigantic impact when something like this happens. There are tons of free and simple plugins for WordPress which can help to cater the need for backing up the crucial data of a website.
10 Best WordPress Backup Plugins in 2024
However, It is suggested to pick an option with which majority of bloggers prefer going with. It is recommended to simply search for a “backup” in the plugin panel of WordPress Admin.
The most frequently used plugin is which will ensure the systematic overhaul and reduced risks of conflicting with WordPress sometime later as there are high chances of the plugins getting compromised.
It is a really brilliant idea to create a backup not only on the Hard Drives but on at least 2 USB drives and cloud backup is something which is, even more, better alternative to overcome a data loss scenario.
16. Concentrate on Smartphones more
It was a while back when a major chunk of the blog visitors used to go through blogs from a personal computer. That was almost 10 years back. But now as comparing the graph of visits with respect to the device is something completely different.
The major chunk of the masses these days do their blogs browsing with a help of a mobile or a handheld device.
There has been a drastic change in that way in just a decade. And it is even more important to stay acknowledged on that part. This is due to the work on the website and the continuous endeavors if only designed for desktops and laptops, it will be something where the bloggers may miss out on the bigger chunk of the audience because mobile is more common these days.
The blog should be blueprinted while keeping in mind the major and rising number of mobile users. So ever if the content is being updated to bring about a change in the blog appearance, it should really appear well or look decent enough on the mobile devices.
While on the other hand not forgetting to pay attention to how it will look on a desktop computer and even laptops. The most convenient method and most suggested by most others including Google as well in order to make the WordPress sites look even more appealing on any sort of devices.
29+ Best Responsive WordPress Themes in 2024
Hence choosing a theme that is highly responsive is a must and looks of a website should be compromised either. Hence coming down to the conclusion that a blog website is not only quick but also it has incredible looks, only a theme with such attributes should be given the first and foremost preference.
17. Do something about the security parameters before it is chopped
Hacking is a serious problem these days. As due to some people using some themes that are ancient and on top of that using an older version of WordPress. This is very dangerous when it comes down to securing the websites from unwelcome individuals whom we better know as intruders or even hackers.
It is strongly recommended to avoid doing that. This will be a big mistake to do when having a blog if security compromised which can lead to a lot of problems. Elsewise life will be much easier.
These are the 3 steps with which the WordPress sites for blogging can be protected even better.
1. A strong password + a unique username
It is recommended to get a very strong password and a username that is not similar to other user names. A user name can be made unique by choosing a different but easy to remember the username.
While on the contrary choosing a strong password can be done in 2 ways. First is by Googling on how to create a strong password. Or else a combination of uppercase + lowercase + special character and numerical could be used to create a password that is strong enough to be bypassed (cracked).
10 Best Password Managers in 2024
2. Getting an incredibly protected and highly secure plugins
The heavily fortified plugins for the most WordPress can be easily found on the WordPress sites. Additionally being free to download is an added advantage. It will somehow try to reinforce the security efforts for the site security.
10 best WordPress Security Plugins in 2024
3. Try to be overhauled by the latest security updates that are rolled out
This is the simplest way of getting the security beefed up. It is as simple as clicking just once and you are good to go. This will avoid the unwanted visitors who are always on the continuous endeavours to discover a loophole in the security.
18. Speed is something which is utmost required and the most significant component
These days speed is more crucial as compared to any previous given time. As people are used to speedy loading up of blog pages.
The visitors wander on the internet with the smartphones and various other handheld sorts of devices. If a blogger thinks how to make a successful blog it is a must for him to try and make the web pages load up faster.
Otherwise, these readers are most likely to bounce back and hop on to some other blog website which is not at all a good thing when coming across a question of how to start successful blogging.
How quickly a website loads up is a vital element that decides on the number of readers that will not only come across the blog page but also become a permanent visitor.
Hence it is very important to brainstorm on how the greater loading speed can be obtained.
These are the ways with which pages could be probably accessed a lot faster
Step 1
Open Pingdom Tool and enter the website URL address to take a look at how long it actually takes to access the webpage.
Step 2
Observe what things are not important and make it a point to get rid of such elements from the website’s sidebar. These not so important elements may probably be the badges from numerous sites along with the advertisements. These advertisements may bring some revenue or some additional images but have a deep impact on the speed. Remove these unnecessary sidebars.
Step 3
It is highly recommended to install the W3 total cache plugin as acknowledged above. This will help in cutting the clutter and pace up the accessing speed of a blog page.
Step 4
Avoid showcasing how many likes you have grabbed so far. A blogger usually has these like buttons which are somehow linked to the social media pages in order to get the likes directly from the blog pages. It, however, slows down the page speed. Therefore it is strongly recommended to get rid of these likes showcasing. It really makes an extensive difference. How many numbers of likes would be displayed on the blog page.
Step 5
Bounce back to the Pingdom Tools and run another check to see how faster is the website after these changes.
10 Best Website Speed Test Tools in 2024
19. Learn to know about things to write in order to never run out of ideas
A blogger may often come across such a situation where people may meet them in real life and ask the most basic question. The question is none other than how do you get so many ideas to write one after another.
How is that your ride never runs out of gas when you are writing?
Most of the ambitious bloggers over the years have come across a situation like this. And according to the most distinguished bloggers, this is not such a big issue at all.
Below are mentioned of some help that has helped these bloggers when they ran out of ideas
1. Start using a capturing device
It is quite normal that ideas that strike someone’s mind have got no fixed time of coming along. It can come at any point in time. So keeping handy the mobile phone and using a note application when out will be really beneficial in remembering the ideas that you feel are awesome to write about.
Also if these ideas are not captured at the right time, it is possible that a person may later completely forget about what idea crossed his mind.
When outdoor memo application can be used when inside Browsing internet WordPad, document application can be taken into consideration for remembering better.
10 Best Short Note Applications in 2024
2. Look for books, conversations and movies that are inspiring.
Hundreds and thousands of ideas can be found just by staying alert on what’s happening around. This simply means keeping eyes and ears open as ideas can come from anywhere at any point of given time.
Likewise, there are always some very good books, inspiring tales in movies and news that has some hidden great ideas. Go through books and podcasts along going across some inspirational video content. Or a combination of them all together is a good enough alternative to generating some great and incredible ideas to write about.
10 Best Video Streaming Websites in 2024
3. If already written about a topic, give the subheaders of a topic a close look
Though a blogger has gone through every nook and corner of a topic there is always something left to write about. That something is enough to write something and land on a decent topic with which the blog writing can continue to breathe.
Even smallest of the sub-headers is a whole different topic to scribble about. Perfecting it every time gives a new twist in the entire content.
4. Try writing some blogs about a particular blog
If the blog already has information about a few lures, the kit can further be extended by adding some more relevant and fresh information which is even more informative.
It should educate the reader even more while there might be a completely unique perspective of looking at the same thing but differently this time.
This will help the blogger to learn more and more things. This, in turn, pays off the blogger who are eager to learn more and more about the previous topic in depth.
20. There is no need of publishing a new blog post every week
Most people have developed wrong thinking over the years that it is mandatory to publish or in other words come up with some new content each and every week without fail in order to grow the reader base.
But that does not mean that posting new blog content should be skipped for months.
So instead of posting blogs 5-6 times in a month, prefer posting not more than 2-3 times in a month. It was tried by a blogging expert and what he came up with a was something unbelievable. The readers grew and they keep growing day by day.
This is what going an extra mile means in reality but writing the blog articles and obtaining perfection in doing so is what actually means doing something more than what is expected. This also helps and brings the blogger more and more readers with the medium of Google search and gets substantially more hits that become viral on the internet.
How many blog posts need to make a successful blog?
I have researched a lot on this. I have seen, most of the blogs that are making at least $500 per month, only have 30 to 50 articles! Of course, the owners of these blogs are publishing new contents but two or three articles in month.
Here is a point, they publish two or three articles in a month but all are highly researched and more than 3000 words.
So, publish valuable contents as much as time you need to take no matter. And must try to publish at least one high quality content in every month. Number three will be the best.
21. Pick on headlines that successfully grabs the attention of the reader at first hand.
Choosing attractive headlines can make a magnificent impact on the number of readers going through the blog post content or listen to the podcast.
Missing out on a decent title for the blog post then there are chances that very few people will even bother to take a look at it. Hence even if the content is good enough, not having a good enough title will be surely be getting some or no readers at all.
12 Best Free Blog Post Title Generator Tools
So it is recommended by the professionals is to get in some sort of research or Googling might be a perfect way. By sticking to this method, there are high chances that the endeavors taken might eventually pay off and getting a remarkable title which is hard to skip off will be the best thing a blogger may be looking for.
22. Use of images is highly recommended in order to generate posts that may steal the show.
The most famous bloggers make it a habit to start off the majority of their blogs with a photo that is breathtaking and may really appear something very nice to set eyes on.
Inserting or adding a picture that may make the reader stop. The picture added should bring about a positive vibe for the reader to be interested in reading the content before they even think of skipping it.
Using images furnishes the article with great detailing and gives it a professional touch.
You must have gone through some blogs on Facebook on which most people stop not just because the article was good, but the image used was an ability to engage the reader in stop and start reading.
Hence content being good is very important but adding great pictures also plays an important role in keeping the audience engaged.
The most skilled bloggers make a point of using the most effective social media platforms with the help attractive images to get the maximum mileage. Hence more and more readers go through the blog created. Using Unplash for the pictures is recommended as you can get a lot of copyright free images there.
10 Best Websites for Free Stock Photos in 2024
23. Prefer a format that is easy to read as well as convenient to understand.
A major share of the text in a blog post can tempt the reader to take a look and then turn off after just going through a few first paragraphs.
- So breaking up text is a good option to avoid such things.
- Use of bullets is preferred
- Adding images and
- Including subtitles
- Skipping on the white spaces
What could be done in order to prevent readers from churning out. The professional bloggers try to keep their blog content very easy to read and understand.
24. Try to understand the readers as much as possible.
After starting a blog and a while later if it is that the audience is small what can be done. Here is a simple thing which can help the most to gain the maximum and dense audience count.
While also a hunch about the expected income from the blog webpage is to prefer taking help of a simple survey. These surveys according to a recent stats demonstrated that how useful it has been.
All the way long for the bloggers to put together information in their blogs to create a strong and firm reader base.
Going for an alternative like eBook is strongly recommended to avoid as what it takes is a high amount of time, energy, income and sometimes shatters the motivation while creating a successful blog.
The bloggers who are experienced prefer getting into an online survey on a regular interval in order to save more time and to know what may keep the readers engaged.
Setting up a SurveyMonkey for that particular purpose takes not more than 15-20 minutes. As most of the professional bloggers publish a blog post and right after that is set and done an email is sent from the SurveyMonkey where it probes the reader to spare a couple of minutes and fill in which would help them get better information from thereon.
The bloggers usually try to cap the survey questions of not more than 2 questions in each survey. This ensures maximum readers taking up the survey.
If the number of question is above minimum the readers may just skip off the survey which is not all desired by any blogger.
You must be thinking when it is about asking just 2 questions, then what the questions should exactly be all about.
Q1. What is the most liked topic, challenge, problem a reader may want his favourite blogger to write a newsletter/article about?
It is observed that this field having a vacant space wherein the readers drop in whatever they feel like the blogger should write about.
Q2. I want to create something new. What is your level of interest in such practical or step by step products? Below is the list of the e-courses which I feel like generating as content. This allows the people to show their interest with respect to the asked question on a scale from 1 to 5.
The most recent surveys showed that the bloggers get the most trending subjects to be taken up as the next blog to write about as a revert from the readers. It will eventually help the blogger to come across concentrating on what type of content should be created next.
Additionally, it also helps the blogger to understand better what he himself as a writer is good at writing and on top of that what is his field of interest and what he can write best about.
Hence understanding the readers better will eventually come from the reading of the continuous mails and comments a blogger may get.
It is suggested to spend some time to generate a simple but impactful survey which will help the blogger to lay hands on some of the most potential carrying subjects which should be taken into consideration.
25. Don’t forget to include a FAQ (Frequently Asked Question) section in the contact page.
After a while when you have been used to blogging and get the hang of it, it will be observed that a huge number of emails which may be actually questioned, needs to be answered however possible.
These are the questions which are repeated all over again and again. Make a mark of the always repeating questions from the readers.
To minimize the frequency of such emails you need to process each and every mail up closely.
So it is recommended to mark down those frequent questions in the emails. Try answering the most commonly asked questions by writing them down somewhere.
Getting back on the very same questions asked quite often, isn’t it?
So what most bloggers have done to get around a situation like this is something very clever.
They just came up with this intelligent method of getting back to the most frequently asked questions which kept rolling back again and again in the mails.
Creating a section for the most obvious or can say frequently asked questions is a very effective manner of getting back to readers with the same set of questions.
26. It is nothing wrong to spend something to learn (what most bloggers don’t).
Some bloggers have a habit of not spending on anything until and unless there is no other way of getting around, skipping the expense. This is something which should be taken out of practice.
Yes of course spending on consulting premium web developers and bloggers who charge a high fee is something which can be stricken off the list.
But always opting for free and cheap methods to get something done which can be done better with some premium tools and plugins which are highly productive can really hold you back.
Majority of the expenditure done on the learning part eventually pays and it pays off really well. The bloggers who skip on spending years later, when coming across such a scenario often feel that they should have done this earlier.
Doing a bit of intense research is highly beneficial if you ask some of the bloggers. Spending on something which may act as a catalyst in both growth and development while Blogging is something which should not be skipped off just to save a few bucks.
27. It is a smart move to plan further to stay ahead in the game.
Planning the future moves for staying ahead in the game is something which eventually pays off with a lot of readers. Instead for Planning for a week ahead it is better to plan things for the coming months.
It is a much smart and clever move. Some blogger plan their moves for a year ahead.
Isn’t that crazy?
But the most distinguished bloggers did that and doing that it paid them quite well.
When it comes to creating new-fresh content in a mingled situation is something which is not good especially when planning to go a long way. This will avert the blogger from adding more value to the audience and people life with the help of the supportive and highly informative blogs.
Instead of scheduling a practical strategy as how much time to plan such things for the future of the blog site.
After all, is set and done check to see if the plan fits well. If it fits well it’s good to go indication and if does not fit well still you are halfway there as trying to implement the plan is a half success.
Beginning with a new product without even bothering to plan a few moves ahead is something which will be unsure right from the beginning.
Planning is very important when you plan to go far off even if it is something else than blogging. It is recommended to plan at least 3 months ahead moves as some bloggers try to come up with an annual scheduling plan.
This will not only ensure those actions but meanwhile it can also help you to come up something, even more, smarter than what was actually planned. Planning Is always beneficial.
28. Stay cool and look for a more practical roadmap.
Victory comes instantly is what most people think. But it is not so, no matter n what area of life it takes some time to triumph.
Does not matter even in the slightest what is one’s goal, ambitions some people instead of having goals and ambitions have some opinions and ideas which is quite normal and acceptable.
But the thing which stands even more crucial here is to pay attention to whom you listen and who advises you, listening to whom you make take your further foreseeable actions.
Try to educate yourself from people who actually have been into things, situations, problems etc. They probably have the most honest solutions to overcome problematic situations.
With this, a more practical and relevant roadmap can be jotted down. It will be a smart and intelligent move to develop a timetable for very own success and triumph in what you are doing or currently into.
Some blogs seen so far have experienced a lot of growth which have marked a milestone in success and a lot more can learn from them as time passes by.
29. Try to set a much objective ambition and quantitative target.
Blogging continuously week after week without setting up a concrete goal which may determine where a blogger is headed and what plans he has for future.
Elsewise, the blogger may feel he is stuck and unmotivated after a short period of time.
So what could be the quantitative goals that could be set for the blog site or blog page?
For instance…
- Having a count of roughly about 10K subscribers in a year?
- Being promoted on one of the biggest blog sites whether national or may be more preferred when international.
- Making at least 800 – 1000 USD per month as a secondary source of income.
- Take an initiative to get your written material all compiled and a book is shaped out your expert scribblings.
30. Take a motivational refreshed every week without fail.
To perform how to start a money making blog in 2024?
A blogger in the initial period when starts blogging is highly motivated and filled with enthusiasm. But as the time flies the motivation levels fall down to a substantially low mark.
Hence holding on to any factor or element that motivates you is something which will really help out a blogger to continue the blog. Staying motivated will help in situations wherein the blogger may run out of topics to write on.
This will, therefore, help the blogger to continue with his work and the audience will keep growing if not at a wild rate but still, numbers will continue to keep growing.
31. In blogging people you come across tend to be humble so don’t let the criticism hold you back.
There are something more to perform how to start a successful blog? Right, when a blogger starts to pen down the blogs online they may often be afraid of the criticism that they may face from the audience.
A fear with respect to doing anything ill however holds you back. It will stop the blogger from learning and development, growth and progress come only from learning. So having fear of anything especially when blogging is really something which is dangerous.
As it acts as a hurdle between blogger and his foreseeable future in blog writing. It is seen that in most cases the bloggers stated that about more than 90-95% cases they received positive feedbacks and comments.
These stats are enough for a blogger to keep writing his blogs.
32. Try writing in a very casual way.
A very simple tip but has a great impact on obtaining the precise tone. Precise tone with respect to writing for blogging is a tone reading which a person may feel like very normal written material, easy to read and understand.
Written in a very normal language reading which a person should not feel it is some high end and detailed content.
This is because when most frequent readers go through a very distinguished blog content it is always found that they come up with some or the other errors found.
So it is recommended that a blogger writes it in such a way that it should look like something written to a family member or a friend.
10 Best Content Writing Tools to Write Catchy Blog Posts in 2024
Only in that way, it will look more natural which is more favorable while making an ordinary blog to a successful blog.
33. The blog post for proofreading should be read out loud.
Doing this more often will result in a blogger being able to come across errors which while writing he must have felt is perfect but reading it out loud separates the relevant from the irrelevant sentences typed.
Sentence construction and grammar are the two basic pillars on which an entire blog post stands.
Therefore reading out loud with a motive to catch hold off such components which makes it better to read and understand is a great method of dealing with it.
10 Best Online Grammar Checker Tools for WordPress
Over the years some of the most known bloggers have done this in order to gain perfection as grammatical mistakes and sentence errors are something that does not look good on a blog for answering the questions.
34. Cross verify with yourself on everything which according to you is important.
This is something majority of the people who are new to blogging miss out to do. Going through the already checked things and previously verified and rectified.
Going through the same things all over again and again helps to discover a new way of looking at the same things.
This will help to get a different perspective of one and the same thing. Apart from that new mistakes or old sentences may be formed even more accurately.
Hence coming down to the conclusion that double-checking the same thing all over again and again will help in dealing with the most frequent errors and these errors look really bad when seen as a live blog.
35. Try developing or enhancing something which is old, which you feel will work, but it somehow failed in the beginning.
A blogger when writing a blog after a lot of research, hard work endeavours and numerous man hours it is when he hits the publish button. However, it is not like a blogger always thinks it will be like. There is always some not so positive reactions he must have expected.
When a blogger is busy blogging about some topic there always lies some articles in the archives which were published once. However, the blogger so far has learned every day something or the other.
Putting all of that little small and big improvements it can help to give such articles a feel and a new look. It will actually revamp the article from head to toe with respect to the written section how to start a free blog.
As blog writing is something which is not learnt but it keeps developing day by day when writing is still going on. Even if its something small to write about, try pulling that from the archive.
Later applying the new knowledge and fresh perspective of writing and understanding. This way something new is created. With every attempt to make it better it will be more polished as compared to the older version of the same file but updated and better this time.
36. Don’t stop overhauling the best content.
The bloggers in the earlier times did not use to do this much but as of now, bloggers cannot make a mistake of updating the best content. Repeating the same mistake a decade back would not make such a difference in the earlier days but repeating this mistake can prove to be a lethal one in this digital era.
First of all, a content or a blog which is liked by most people are more likely to receive a higher traffic as compared to the ones which are less popular among the readers. So the content which receives a higher amount of traffic if not updated will not be favored much by Google.
This will also help to not only bring some fresh readers to the blog but to keep the old readers entertained and retained and keep hitting on the same blogger’s blog page. By this way, the reader base could grow exponentially and the old readers will love it, even more, to go across the same content all over again.
As they know that the blogger keeps updating the blog at regular intervals. So even if the content is read earlier there are chances wherein every time an old reader reads the blog he will find something new.
Hence the thing which is already good, will be improved even more. Therefore doing this not only keeps the blogs updated but it tempts the readers to come to visit the blog quite often.
37. Run a check on the social media inboxes and stats whenever possible.
Running a check on social media inboxes and the recent statistics quite often or for some time in a week or even 15 days is something to be done. Doing less often is ok but giving some time doing this is highly beneficial for the blogger.
It helps in concentrating the various aspects of the blog which cannot be paid attention to while as an effective social media platform blogging.
Continuing to wait for every small reverts on the blogs on social media inboxes is rather very tiring so it is recommended to plan or schedule this analytics and research on the stats in some regular intervals.
This will not only save time but also it will save a lot of efforts which the blogger can use for some other work with respect to blogging.
Bloggers tend to work more towards those opportunities which may bring both growths as well as development for the blog in the near future.
38. Avoid messing up the site while putting in elements that make a blog more confusing.
A blogger when starts blogging may miss out on this thing but it is what most bloggers end up doing. But this is something which comes with time. It is very important for a blogger having his own site to avoid adding elements on a blog which may if not now but in the end.
Bringing it to notice what the readers focus more and more on while keeping in mind what things may confuse him. Confusing the readers with too many alternatives or applying a theme which is all messed up and has a layout which may make the reader irritated should be avoided.
A blogger may see the below-mentioned elements as the most crucial components which should be added or included to make it, even more, better in every way possible:-
- Free courses download
- Social sharing buttons
- Email subscribers form
All the 3 helping components for the new readers should be offered free. And all are placed at the right place of the blog.
Don’t try to bound the readers to download the course. You shouldn’t force a reader to social sharing and email subscription. You just put the options in a place, if readers are interested, they can do it easily. Don’t disturb the reader while reading content. Avoid any kind of pop-ups. They bore readers.
39. Take a close look at what is happening in and around the most popular websites.
One of the most ideal method to bring about some positive changes and alteration that may actually be able to funnel the interest of the customer with respect to what they are doing at the moment.
It is important to look for bloggers and alternative websites which tend to have things work out for them in their own personalized way. It is the best action to be taken when encountering a question on how to start a money making blog in 2024?
10 Best USA Bloggers and Blogs
Then just take a sneak on the other blogging sites and probing yourself with questions like…
- How well a successful blog site is configured and works perfectly without a flaw?
- Where the mail sign up fields are positioned on the webpage?
- Where the social media share buttons are placed on the webpage?
- What is the point of priority to which the website primarily focus on?
- How is that the bloggers are able to monetize from the free blog? Is it a service? A product? Or both?
- The products are affiliated, where do they take these products from?
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It is recommended to not steal from anyone but to take a reference is more than enough. These references are enough to generate some very good ideas.
40. Make continuous endeavors to keep the audience grow and reader base strong.
As mentioned above there should always be constant attempts from the blogger. Never miss out an opportunity to grow the reader base. As with the ongoing attempts, the blogger may learn more and more about how to start successful blogs.
Also, the above-mentioned headers include pointers such as reverting to the customer for their queries, asking what type of content do they like and what questions would they like their favorite blogger to answer.
Hey, have you enjoyed this article?
These are the enough tips and steps to create your new blog and make it successful. Here successful means money making. If you start today, you will be able to make money within 3 months if you follow the all the steps and tips mentioned in this post. You will start making at least $500/mo. with in one year working.
Let me remind you the most important 3 steps to be successful.
- Creation (Create your new blog)
- Promotion (Promote your blog in a right way)
- Patience (Keep patience, success never come overnight)
Ok, thank you so much for reading and dreaming to be a successful man. Whenever thinking on how to start a money making blog, make sure to go through this article. This will ensure the most accurate tips on how to start a money making blog in 2024.