9 On-Page SEO Techniques (Must) to Rank Your Site in 2024

Whenever you create a new site, initially it has no traffic. To get traffic from search engines without running any paid ads, Search Engine Optmization (SEO) is needed. Here in this article, I have discussed 9 best on page seo techniques to rank your website in 2024.


Tell me how much it takes to write an article and then hitting the publish button?

Have you ever thought on examining the article is perfectly SEO optimized or not?

As a newbie, majority of the bloggers are excitedly standing down to push the publish button to boost the number of blog posts. But in a rush majority of the time, they fail to pay attention on the most elemental on-Page SEO techniques which will provide a firm support in getting the article more optimized and more search engine friendly to stand at a better position on Google SERPs.

As a result of the eagerness majority of the amateur bloggers become ignorant on the simple and very basic on-page SEO checklist components right before they push the publish button for making the article go live on the internet.

What does mean by On-Page optimization & what does it makes so important?

Before we get started with it let me help you with a brief explanation of on-page SEO techniques for the newbies and a simple to understand example. Let’s say for instance you are readying a blog post after an intense research on keywords. Let’s hope you are already aware of what and how keywords work in SEO, and if you are not aware of it we will help you understand what it is further in the post.

Whenever a random internet user looks for something with the help of the keywords you have used in your article, is it possible that your article will be visible in the first 1-3 search result, with a higher possibility of a user may click on it?

It is not something that a person may deny of knowing that there are already hundreds and thousands of alike articles on the relevant topic on the World Wide Web i.e. internet. Then how is it possible that the article you just created will be able to compete with all of them and stand out in the list as a more precise one?

The answer to this little query of yours is really simple. You need to optimize the article by making sure you miss nothing important from the key SEO checklist.

What we are talking about here is a search engine which is nothing but a algorithm which vigorously examines numerous articles. Search engines quantifies them with different types of quality parameters and after that it decides on what and how it should rank, again depending upon the quality of the article. For a blogger it is very important to be well versed with the parameters which in reality creates even the slightest impact on the search engine ranking standards and later modify the article according to that.

However, to be honest it does not mean that if you follow the below mentioned techniques you will be able to grab the first rank on Google.

Let’s assume that you came up with an article which as of now ranks. There will possibly in sometime a blogger who may come up with SEO optimized contents far in order to beat the ranking position.

What does this actually mean?

This means that in the end you will always need to work hard to keep the article SEO optimized in regular intervals to maintain the ranking position.

The other important factor to be considered is to always try to get the top of the line links to the blog. These links are nothing but the backlinks, let’s not get into it we will discuss in some other blog post about the backlinks which eventually worked out quite well for me.

These are the very same “Search Engine Techniques that worked for me”.

The On-Page SEO techniques for getting an improved Search Engine Ranking.

In this blog post, we will try to understand the fundamental and easy to understand and implement on-Page SEO techniques which can eventually result in the hiked possibility of getting the articles ranked far well on the Google SERPs. In other word, these are the most precise on-Page SEO techniques which is less time consuming to implement.

1. Thinking over the research for keywords:-

Creative thinking or the keywords search is the most significant part of content or blog writing. When a blogger is writing a blog post, he must be ready to encounter keywords or which search queries he may come across for the readers to like it. For best results a blogger can always prefer using Google Keyword Planner (Free) or SEMRush (Free Trial for 7 Days) for obtaining the best keyword or the most suitable ones for the blog post. Hence the placement of the keywords in the content is very important. It is therefore very important to maintain the keyword in first para, title, Meta description, title and even in any of the tags (H2, H3 and so on.)

2. Come up with terms which is closely relevant to the search terms (LSI):-

As and when the content is being prepared based on a predefined keyword, a blogger needs to be sure that all the relevant searches of the queries relevant to the main keyword are also incorporated in the content to transform the article into more informative and useful. This therefore will help the article to be positioned better and the readership will increase as the readers may feel that it is more precise. Therefore a video tutorial can always be something that can be looked upon for relevant search engines or related search Terms.

3. Untarnished URL framework:-

It has been lately dragged into one’s notice that majority of the new bloggers make every possible attempt to incorporateevery single keyword in the blog post or URL in order to boost the chances of them being ranked better. But it is nothing more than a hoax. It in fact messes it up even more. It is therefore suggested to make the URL shorter and more concise hence the keyword in the URL of your post is a better method of getting things done.

4. Page Label:-

The entitlement of the page plays the most significant role when it is all about positioning on the Google Search Engine Page Results of the content. It is therefore suggested by the most expert and famous bloggers to think of a title catchy enough to capture the audience as well as the incorporating the chief keyword in it. So look for the chances to get the main keywords at the beginning of the title but don’t try to push the keywords for the purpose of grabbing the ranking leverage. There are possibly a handful WordPress plugins which can help to obtain the most attractive article label recommendations. Sometimes it is seen that a title of the page becomes a question and the same question results into better ranking and higher readership.

5. Meta Description:-

It is no more a secret that Google keeps on changing the algorithm (program framework) numerous times over the years. The notion of Meta Description still has got the potential to rule over the SEO realm. A Meta description which is perfect and a concise Meta description is something which always gives a positive indication to the Google web crawler for the article ranking. So it is advisable to use an ideal and complete guide to Meta description which covers the main keywords organically.

6) Length of the content:-

Those days are long gone when a compact article was able to position itself better on Google SERP. Back in 2016, the search engines used to give first priority to exhaustive and beneficial content which usually elaborates each and every attribute of a topic to the reader. Ensure that the written content is having sufficient elaboration/explanation and is having more than 500 words. However it does not mean that a blog post with over 1000 words and having more information will have a greater chance of getting ranked exceptionally well in comparison to the blog post with lesser words and less information. That is because the content is still important Part of SEO and always will be the first priority when it comes to on-Page SEO and this is going to be the same for the forthcoming years. In some cases it can be still seen that being lengthy of the content can help a blogger to get a decent ranking to the blog post. It can therefore result in lowering your bounce rate.

7) Interlinking:-

A good way to build top of the line links is interlinking blog post within the article to the old blog posts from the content. A blogger needs to ensure that the link to the very same article with numerous long tail keywords which are having rich anchor text to advance the SERP. Interlinking is a good way to substantially reduce the Bounce rate. Interlinking is something which can be seen as a reliable technique used by most successful bloggers of the time. As it provides the most supportive and firm helping hand in order to get the desired results.

8) References to the written article (Article of Reference):-

Furnishing the readers and the blog visitors with the Do follow or an external link related to the content is a newly introduced SEO custom as it holds a rich on-Page SEO esteem. You might have witnessed in the most articles coming up these days that there in most cases there is a Wikipedia reference page. It always provides the readers of the article a dependable source of information for any random facts and figures just if the reader is keen in knowing it better. If it so happens that a blog is about a product then it is important to provide No follow link or an explanatory guide about Nofollow and Dofollow links.The Dofollow and Nofollow links are something which has its own significance in any blog content which we may have come across as of now.

9) Use an Image with alt tag:-

Last but not the least it is very important to be ensured that an image is included in the blog post which is relevant to the article while taking care of the image optimization. Don’t forget to include a descriptionand alt tag which efficiently covers the primary keywords of the article. If any image is used from a specific website or blog it is very important to give the credit to the source for that. Or else free images can be obtained from sites like Pixocean and Pixabay very conveniently. These free image sources have been used by the most bloggers these days.

For those who are new to blogging

The people who have just begun their blogging journey it is recommended to use the most frequently used or essential WordPress plugins. Making use of the proficient SEO plugin will be for sure a remarkable help one will be looking for. A blogger can always make use of the SEO by Yoast, Rank Math and All in One SEO plugin. There are some other great plugins which can help to the bloggers who want faster success in blogging.

Wrapping Up

Reading the above 9 acknowledged on page SEO techniques are going to improve the blog search engine ranking and will make you advanced the writing skill for a better ranking position. We all are aware that there are tons of other factors which should be closely looked upon and is looked at by the best bloggers. However, for a blogger who has just started off with his blogging, it is suggested to follow the On-Page SEO mentioned methods.

Related: 9 Best On-Page SEO Tools You Must Use to Research Your Keywords

As a blogger it is needed to implement those techniques for better ranking.

So what more will it take to rank first in Google?

It is important to run a check on whether the content is SEO optimized or not. And must keep in mind the basic or fundamental on-Page SEO factors. Let us know how the above mentioned techniques helped you for getting ranking on the Google & Bing Search Engine.

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