Do you want to make few sents to $1 in a day just doing some simple tasks. It’s so simple that anybody can do it.
You even can do it without having any skill!
Just you have to like, follow or subscribe in Facebook, Twitter or YouTube.
Social accounts you need to work
You will need different social media accounts to work on IPweb. As you just need to like or subscribe, you must have accounts. If you don’t have, create now on below sites.
- YouTube
- VK
- Yandex
How to work?
Only 5 minutes may need to perform 5 jobs in IPweb. Here’s the process:
1. First login to the account of IPweb. Don’t have account yet? Create one.
2. Click on “Earnings” from the left sidebar.

3. Then click on “Surfing” to get tasks.

4. Read carefully the task details. Click on the given link from the middle of the page.

5. Perfom the task. Tasks will be like give a like on facebook or instagram post, follow a facebook or instagram profile, subscribe on a youtube channel, like a post or make connect on linkedIn.

6. Then take screenshot after leaving a like, follow or subscribe. You can do it by press the “Print Screen” button from the keyboard. The screenshot will be copied in the clipboard.

7. Paste (press ctrl + v) and save (press ctrl + s) the screenshot on Paint (For windows device).

8. Come back to the IPweb window and submit the proof by uploading screenshot.

9. Then click on “Confirm execution“.

10. Congratulations! You have successfully done a task on IPweb and made $0.002 – $0.005. To make 1 cent you might need to do two or three tasks. This might take maximum 2 minutes.
You have $0.0024 earned!
How to work on IPweb and make money – Video
Want to make money right now?
Just join IPweb and start doing performing the above steps.
Finally check your account!
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